Here is a link to the website with pictures and videos....
Monday, March 28, 2011
If you read Blank Slate....
9:27 AM
Posted by
Zack Hamric
Labels: Blank Slate, Sarasota Sailing, Sarasota Sunset Sail
Labels: Blank Slate, Sarasota Sailing, Sarasota Sunset Sail

You must have wondered if there was actually a real DOLCE VITA in my thriller BLANK SLATE...
Here is a link to the website with pictures and videos....
Here is a link to the website with pictures and videos....
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
February $139 Kindle WiFi Giveaway
And we have a winner for the February Kindle Drawing!!
I woke up this morning and Dolce was pawing at the bed -(she's my cocker spaniel who selects all the winners for my Kindle Giveaways)- reminding me that I had not announced a Kindle WiFi Giveaway for February....
I like simple contests- You can enter two ways- buying a book or if you've already read Blank Slate and Crescent Rising, by leaving a review with your honest opinion. You could potentially receive up to 4 entries this month by buying both books and leaving reviews.
This month, I will not be using FB Shares for entries- I am working some long hours to finish the sequel to Blank Slate and am keeping this contest smaller by limiting entries only to readers and reviewers.
However you choose to enter- please send an email to it's the only way I have to log your entry.
This is open to anyone who buys a book between Feb. 1-28, so if you already purchased one this month- not a problem!
Feb 28, I will post a video of the drawing. The winner will receive a $139 Amazon Gift Card for a Kindle WiFi (Our last winner used the gift card, put in a few additional $$ and got the 3G version- it's totally up to you...) If you are able to use a Kindle Gift Card in the country you live in, you're eligible to enter.
How do you enter? Very simple- send me a copy of your Amazon receipt to and you're entered. Leave a comment on the blog and I'll be looking for your entry...
Good Luck! ...and Thanks Again for the support!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
January Kindle WiFi Winner Video!!
We have a Winner in the January Kindle Wi Fi Drawing!
Thanks to
everyone for participating!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
January $139 Kindle WiFi Giveaway
The most valuable thing for a writer is enthusiastic readers who offer support and encouragement along the way... to Thank You, I will be giving away another $139 Kindle WiFi in January-
If you receive one of the .99 giftcards I am giving away on June 12, you will receive 1 entry
This will be set up so you can participate in three ways
1) Buy a book- 5 points for each book purchased in January
2) Facebook Share 1 pt- You can enter once a day
3) Leave a review of a book that you already purchased- 5 points for each review...
The last one is for anyone who has ever purchased and read one of my books- I wanted to make sure
people who have been so supportive had a way to enter. Also, if you are one of the 20 people who
already reviewed in the past, drop me an email and you get an entry...
The usual fine print- I'll have a drawing on Jan.31- My dog Dolce picks the winner and settles all disputes (check the videos on the other posts if you
have a question...). I will be awarding a $139 Amazon Gift Certificate.You are eligible to enter if you can receive an Amazon Gift Certificate in your country. Over 18 only.
Thanks again!
Friday, December 31, 2010
New Years Eve Kindle Drawing!!
What a great contest for December! There were 132 people who submitted 656 entries for the Kindle WiFi Giveaway.
I enjoyed meeting lots of new folks through emails and some of the forums this month. For me this serves a couple of purposes- one, is that when you spend all day writing, it's a nice break to be able to interact with people. The other is that I would really like to continue to do what I love- and you guys play a huge role in that.
Every month since I published Crescent Rising has seen significant growth. This month was the best with over seven hundred people deciding to take a chance on the books of this unknown writer. So, more than anything I would like to say THANK YOU!
I enjoyed meeting lots of new folks through emails and some of the forums this month. For me this serves a couple of purposes- one, is that when you spend all day writing, it's a nice break to be able to interact with people. The other is that I would really like to continue to do what I love- and you guys play a huge role in that.
Every month since I published Crescent Rising has seen significant growth. This month was the best with over seven hundred people deciding to take a chance on the books of this unknown writer. So, more than anything I would like to say THANK YOU!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A Kindle For Christmas to say "Thank You" to my readers.

Last month, I enjoyed hearing from many new friends who entered my two Kindle giveaways during the month of November. I thought it would be appropriate to give away another Kindle this month to thank the many readers who have been kind enough to support my two thrillers, Crescent Rising and Blank Slate.
I like simple contests- You can enter two ways- buying a book or sharing on FaceBook.
If you purchase 1 book, you will receive 5 entries. Purchase both books and you receive another 5 entries. If you hit the SHARE Facebook button on the top left of this page, you get 1 entry and you can share once a day and get an entry every day you enter. Sooo... lots of ways to enter!
However you choose to enter- please send an email to it's the only way I have to log your entry.
This is open to anyone who buys a book between Dec. 1-31, so if you already purchased one this month- not a problem!
On December 31, I will post a video of the drawing. The winner will receive a $139 Amazon Gift Card for a a Kindle WiFi (Our last winner used the gift card, put in a few additional $$ and got the 3G version- it's totally up to you...) If you are able to use a Kindle Gift Card in the country you live in, you're eligible to enter.
How do you enter? Very simple- send me a copy of your Amazon receipt to and you're entered. Leave a comment on the blog and I'll be looking for your entry...
How many entries will there be? Last month I sold 443 books- I would suspect that unless you follow me regularly on Facebook or the Amazon discussion boards, most people will never see this contest. If this month is similar, I would expect maybe 300 entries total- so the odds are good! If there's some excitement about this contest and I crack 1,000 books for the month, I'll share the wealth and give away 2 Kindles instead of 1...
Good Luck! ...and Thanks Again for the support!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Crescent Rising Featured In Spalding's Racket
Thanks to Nick Spalding for including Crescent Rising
...and I thought I'd share the latest 5 Star Review from SyriaSays
Crescent Rising by Zack Hamric

Storyline: Crescent Rising is a Rising star among techno-thrillers. It is a complex tale of international terror in which an off-the-radar operative name Ryan starts off serenely enough on a holiday, trying to rid himself of a ghost from his past by climbing the east face of Mount McKinley (a hair-raising endeavor worthy of a book all its own in my opinion). Just as he reaches the top and tries to relax, he is suddenly plunged back into the world of hi-tech, super secret intelligence operations when an unexpected visitor shows up on the summit with him.
The plot goes global ranging from California to the Middle East to the Arctic Coast of Russia as terrorists plan to carry out a super plot right under the noses of the United States government.
Only Ryan's personal happenstance romantic involvement with a beautiful woman who, along with her father, turns out to be victims of the terrorists' victims spurs him on to solve the crime before it happens.
Grammar/Spelling: Very well written. Very few grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors, if any, were noted.
Character Development: All of the characters with major parts and some with very minor parts in the story were extremely well-developed and believable. Backstory information and motivations were more than adequately presented throughout the book. Bad guys and good guys both had believable reasons for doing what they were doing. The actions of the characters clearly displayed the dangerous world of terrorism and counter-terrorism and the reason why so many innocent bystanders are often caught up in the ruthless business on both ends.
Writing Style: Mr. Hamrick is very colorful and descriptive in all areas of the work from romantic scenes to brutal murders. His characters interact easily with each other like old friends and/or professional associates should. He displays extensive knowledge of nautical subjects and employs them with great skill, explaining things that ordinary people might not normally understand or even think about. He also takes the reader on an odyssey of activities from manning a super-surveillance attack boat to climbing a sheer rock face to operating a rust-bucket tug in Russian waters.
Continuity: I did not notice anything out of sequence or unbelievable as far as timeframe or continuity.
Overall Rating: 5- The story was energetic, fast-paced and interesting. A surprisingly understandable techno-thriller with overtones of romance on the back burner. My only complaints, if you can call them complaints or simply preferences, is that some of the good guys seemed a bit over the top and James Bond-like, bigger than life and their names matched them. I personally would have liked to see a bit more of their 'feminine sides'. Ha! I can say that because I'm a girl! What I mean is that I like a little more sensitivity and less brawn in my heroes, but I understand that the majority of techno-thriller fans are male and so they might not agree. Great book.
Some sexual content, violence, graphic language.
The plot goes global ranging from California to the Middle East to the Arctic Coast of Russia as terrorists plan to carry out a super plot right under the noses of the United States government.
Only Ryan's personal happenstance romantic involvement with a beautiful woman who, along with her father, turns out to be victims of the terrorists' victims spurs him on to solve the crime before it happens.
Grammar/Spelling: Very well written. Very few grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors, if any, were noted.
Character Development: All of the characters with major parts and some with very minor parts in the story were extremely well-developed and believable. Backstory information and motivations were more than adequately presented throughout the book. Bad guys and good guys both had believable reasons for doing what they were doing. The actions of the characters clearly displayed the dangerous world of terrorism and counter-terrorism and the reason why so many innocent bystanders are often caught up in the ruthless business on both ends.
Writing Style: Mr. Hamrick is very colorful and descriptive in all areas of the work from romantic scenes to brutal murders. His characters interact easily with each other like old friends and/or professional associates should. He displays extensive knowledge of nautical subjects and employs them with great skill, explaining things that ordinary people might not normally understand or even think about. He also takes the reader on an odyssey of activities from manning a super-surveillance attack boat to climbing a sheer rock face to operating a rust-bucket tug in Russian waters.
Continuity: I did not notice anything out of sequence or unbelievable as far as timeframe or continuity.
Overall Rating: 5- The story was energetic, fast-paced and interesting. A surprisingly understandable techno-thriller with overtones of romance on the back burner. My only complaints, if you can call them complaints or simply preferences, is that some of the good guys seemed a bit over the top and James Bond-like, bigger than life and their names matched them. I personally would have liked to see a bit more of their 'feminine sides'. Ha! I can say that because I'm a girl! What I mean is that I like a little more sensitivity and less brawn in my heroes, but I understand that the majority of techno-thriller fans are male and so they might not agree. Great book.
Some sexual content, violence, graphic language.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Both Kindles Won- Thanks for the Support!
We ended up with 204 entries last night and one winner!
Thanks for all the participation and I'm looking forward to the next promotion...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Black Friday- Nov. 26- $139 Kindle Giveaway!!!- We Have A Winner!
What a busy day! I really enjoyed all the support and great emails...We had a total of 155 entries for the day. More importantly- we had some fun and made a few friends along the way...
I just uploaded the video of the Kindle drawing...So check it out to see if you won!
If you didn't win, No Problem- I have another drawing on Sunday Nov. 30...Good Luck! For the winner- send me an email, and I'll send the $139 Gift Certificate immediately...
I just uploaded the video of the Kindle drawing...So check it out to see if you won!
If you didn't win, No Problem- I have another drawing on Sunday Nov. 30...Good Luck! For the winner- send me an email, and I'll send the $139 Gift Certificate immediately...
Good Luck!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
BLANK SLATE- Nov. 28 Kindle Giveaway

I'm pleased to announce the release of my 2nd novel "BLANK SLATE" on Amazon and other eBook formats on October 21. To celebrate and help promote the release, I am giving away a new $139 Kindle Wi-Fi on November 28.
How can you enter? And how many times can you enter?
The first day of the contest, a reader bought both books, tweeted, and Facebooked- for a total of 6 entries for the day! Your odds are good- we're only expecting 150 entries!
You have several choices- Every time you do one of these- you get an additional entry...
Be sure to comment here or send an email to it's the only way I know you've entered!
- SHARE THE LINK on your Facebook account. This choice is a great one- Everytime you share, it counts as one entry. So, please Share Often! All you need to do is click the "Share" button at the upper left...Be sure to leave a comment on the blog to let me know you shared.
- PURCHASE EITHER Blank Slate or Crescent Rising- both currently available on Amazon. Send a copy of the receipt to Hint- This gets you two entries. If you are one of the first 50 to purchase BLANK SLATE, you have an invitation to come sailing with us on Dolce Vita if you happen to be in Sarasota.
- TWEET ABOUT THE CONTEST- Tweet the following to your thousands of followers-"I entered the BLANK SLATE Kindle Giveaway Contest.To Enter: Each Tweet is 1 entry!"
- Tweet often- every Tweet counts as an entry!- Leave a comment so I know you tweeted...
I'll hold the drawing at 8:00 on November 28, 2010. I'll post a video of the drawing that evening...
Are you eligible? If you are able to buy a Kindle online from Amazon in the country you live in- you're eligible! I will be giving a $139 Amazon Gift Card so you can have some flexibility in how you use it- If you're in the US, it will buy you the $139 Kindle WiFi version or you can use the credit against a DX- I will send out the card by midnight Friday night!
Good Luck!
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